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Hasmonean     Herodian     Procurators     Jewish War     Bar Kochba 

Bar Kochba Coins

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C151.  Bar Kochba, Year Two

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134-135 AD
Middle bronze       Hendin 708

016obv.JPG (32963 bytes) 016rev.JPG (31607 bytes)

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C152.  Bar Kochba, Year Two 

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134-135 AD
Middle bronze       Hendin 708

015obv.JPG (32580 bytes) 015rev.JPG (33090 bytes)

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C153.  Bar Kochba, Year Three

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134-135 AD
Middle bronze       Hendin 736

004obv.JPG (41062 bytes) 004rev.JPG (32868 bytes)

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