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Our ancient Judaean coins are imported from Israel, shipped directly from our partner in Jerusalem, a licensed antiquities dealer.  They are exported with permission from the Antiquities Authority of Israel.  These coins have not been chemically cleaned, repatinated or otherwise modified from their original state.  Their authenticity is unconditionally guaranteed.

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Hasmonean   Herodian  Procurators Jewish War Bar Kochba 

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Hasmonean Rulers  

John Hyrcanus I (Yehohanan)  135-104 BC
Judah Aristobulus (Yehudah)  104-103 BC
Alexander Jannaeus (Yehonatan)  103-76 BC
John Hyrcanus II (Yonatan)  67 and 63-40 BC
Mattathias Antigonus (Mattatayah)  40-37 BC

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Herodian Rulers  

Herod I (The Great)  40 - 4 BC
Herod Archelaus 4 BC - 6 AD
Herod Antipas  4 BC - 40 AD
Herod Philip  4 BC - 34 AD
Agrippa I  37 - 44 AD
Herod of Chalcis  41 - 48 AD
Agrippa II  55 - 95 AD
Aristobulus of Chalcis  57 - 92 AD

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Roman Procurators  

 Under Augustus

    Coponius  6 - 9 AD
    Marcus Ambibulus  9 - 12 AD
Under Tiberius
    Valerius Gratus 15 - 26 AD
    Pontius Pilate  26 - 36 AD
Under Claudius
    Antonius Felix  52 - 59 AD
Under Nero
    Porcius Festus  59 - 62 AD

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Jewish War Coins  

Year One  66/67 AD
Year Two    67/68 AD
Year Three  68/69 AD
Year Four    69/70 AD
Year Five     70 AD

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Bar Kochba Coins

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